Within a challenging economic and financial environment, we are convinced that our governance - which complies with the best international practices - is adequate for effectively pursuing our strategy of creating value for all stakeholders in the medium-long term.
There is no stock ownership system for employees and there are no shareholder agreements on shares. It should, however, be noted that the Company facilitates participation in Shareholders' meetings for beneficiaries of long term incentive (LTI) plans - which are based on Generali shares - by providing them with a designated representative.
Share performance, for further information on the share
The Company maintains continuing relations with all external stakeholders: institutional investors, proxy advisors and retail shareholders. This intense relationship activity is also substantiated in a specific cycle of meetings with institutional investors and proxy agencies, focusing on issues of corporate governance, remuneration and sustainability which are relevant to the financial community. A constructive dialogue also occurs during the course of the annual Shareholders' Meeting which serves as one of the primary opportunities for communication between shareholders and top management of the Company. Overall participation in the 2017 Shareholders' Meeting grew both in terms of representation of share capital and in terms of the presence of institutional investors.
The Board of Directors has structured its organization - even through the establishment of special board committees - in a manner that meets the need to define strategic planning in line with the Group's mission, values and culture and, at the same time, monitors the pursuit of this strategy with a view to the sustainable value creation over the medium to long term. Our integrated governance also leverages the varied and in-depth professional skills present in the Board and ensures effective oversight of management's activities.
for further information on governance and the Corporate Governance and Share Ownership Report 2017
Focus on the Board of Directors
in office until the 2019 annual Shareholders’ Meeting
Gabriele Galateri di Genola
Chairman of the Governance and Sustainability Committee
Investments and Strategic Operations Committee
Nationality: Italian
Age: 70
Professional background: Manager
In office since 8 April 2011
Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone
Deputy Vice-Chairman
Appointments and Remunerations Committee
Investments and Strategic Operations Committee
Nationality: Italian
Age: 74
Professional background: Entrepreneur
In office since 28 April 2007
Vice-Chairman since 30 April 2010
Clemente Rebecchini
Risk and Control Committee
Investments and Strategic Operations Committee
Nationality: Italian
Age: 53
Professional background: Manager
In office since 11 May 2012
Vice-Chairman since 6 November 2013
Philippe Donnet
Group CEO
Director responsible for the internal control and risk management system
Chairman of the Investments and Strategic Operations Committee
Nationality: French
Age: 57
Professional background: Manager
In office since 14 March 2016
Romolo Bardin
Independent (as defined in the listed companies' Corporate Governance Code)
Risk and Control Committee
Related Party Transactions Committee
Nationality: Italian
Age: 39
Professional background: Manager
In office since 28 April 2016
Ornella Barra
Independent (as defined in the listed companies' Corporate Governance Code)
Chairman of the Appointments and Remunerations Committee
Nationality: Monegasque
Age: 64
Professional background: Entrepreneur
In office since 30 April 2013
Paolo Di Benedetto
Independent (as defined in the listed companies' Corporate Governance Code)
Chairman of the Related Party Transactions Committee
Governance and Sustainability Committee
Nationality: Italian
Age: 70
Professional background: Lawyer
In office since 28 April 2016
Alberta Figari
Independent (as defined in the listed companies' Corporate Governance Code)
Chairman of the Risk and Control Committee
Governance and Sustainability Committee
Nationality: Italian
Age: 53
Professional background: Laywer
In office since 30 April 2013
Diva Moriani
Independent (as defined in the listed companies' Corporate Governance Code)
Appointments and Remunerations Committee
Related Party Transactions Committee
Nationality: Italian
Age: 49
Professional background: Manager
In office since 28 April 2016
Lorenzo Pellicioli
Appointments and Remunerations Committee
Investments and Strategic Operations Committee
Nationality: Italian
Age: 66
Professional background: Manager
In office since 28 April 2007
Roberto Perotti
Independent (as defined in the listed companies' Corporate Governance Code)
Risk and Control Committee
Related Party Transactions Committee
Nationality: Italian
Age: 56
Professional background: Professor
In office since 28 April 2016, elected from the minotiry slate
Sabrina Pucci
Independent (as defined in the listed companies' Corporate Governance Code)
Appointments and Remunerations Committee
Risk and Control Committee
Nationality: Italian
Age: 50
Professional background: Professor
In office since 30 April 2013
Paola Sapienza
Independent (as defined in the listed companies' Corporate Governance Code)
Related Party Transactions Committee
Investments and Strategic Operations Committee
Nationality: Italian
Age: 52
Professional background: Professor
In office since 30 April 2010, elected from the minority slate
Focus on the Board of Statutory Auditors
in office until 2020 annual Shareholders’ Meeting
Carolyn Dittmeier
Nationality: Italian and American
Age: 61
In office since 30 April 2014
Antonia Di Bella
Nationality: Italian
Age: 52
In office since 30 April 2014
Lorenzo Pozza
Nationality: Italian
Age: 51
In office since 30 April 2014
Silvia Olivotto
Substitude auditor
Nationality: Italian
Age: 67
In office since 30 April 2014
Francesco Di Carlo
Substitute auditor
Nationality: Italian
Age: 48
In office since 30 April 2014
Corporate Governance and Share Ownership Report 2017, p. 72
for additional information on the diversity of administration, management and control bodies